The Enchanted Forest Fairy Festival -29 April 2018
The words Fairy Festival were enough to draw me in. Love all things Fairy….. the time is 12 noon until 5pm.Address: Potkiln Lane, Beaconsfield HP9 2XB
Entrance is by donation. These events take a lot of organising and ideally a minimum of £2.00 per person would be appreciated.
Fairy story telling, workshops, pottery painting, art classes (painting fairy doors), yoga classes, meditation classes, fairy doors, flower garlands, best dressed fairy competition, hair, glitter tattoos, facepainting, fairy wings, arts and crafts, astrology readings, mediums, clairvoyants, aura photography, healing area, angels and fairies cards, book stalls, crystals, candy floss, sacred drum and yoga class, belly dancing show, music (bring your instruments, guitar, flute, drums) and much much more to be announced.
Best dressed competition with a few prizes.
Posted Saturday, April 28th, 2018 at 3:41 pm | . Both comments and pings are currently closed.